Do you need to declutter your home? Is it getting you down, making you feel stressed and overwhelmed? Clutter in your home is a common issue that can be detrimental to your health and your home’s value.
If clutter around your home makes you feel frustrated, it’s wise to consider ways to reduce it. Once you realize that you have stuff lying around, you don’t need to keep doing nothing about it.
Here are some tips that will help you declutter your home quickly. These tips could save you months of hard work!
Start by going through each room in your house. Take a few minutes to go through each room and go through the pantry, each drawer, cupboard, under the bed, and in the closets. Begin by sorting items into different sections – needed and will keep, sentimental and will store, useful to someone and will donate, no good and will trash.
Once you have finished sorting, then it’s time to get rid of items you no longer use or need. Put all the items that be donated into a donation box or bag. Take them as soon as possible to a donation drop off. Put the trash pile into trash bags and get those bags out to be picked up or dispose of them immediately.
Once you’ve finished donating and throwing out things you don’t need, then it’s time to go through the things you use on a daily basis. Put all items that are broken or no longer working away in a box or bag to be thrown away or recycled. Keep things that you need and use, and store sentimental items.
Decluttering does take a bit of will power. You have to be ready to clean things up and be ready to let go of things that you have no use for and simply don’t need. So many of us tend to cling to our clutter and in time the clutter becomes too much to manage and deal with. Eventually the clutter is going to get worse before it gets any better. Once you make the decision to declutter, your life will become more organized.
So, you’ve got the decluttering done. You’ve thrown out a lot, you’ve donated a lot, and you’ve put up and stored what you want to keep – things that you use and need. Now it’s time to maintain the decluttering.
You can keep your home decluttered by having a place for everything, by cleaning, and keeping tidy as you continue the post decluttering process. You don’t want to get yourself back in a cluttered home again!
You can keep your home decluttered by simply remembering these two simple steps:
1. If you don’t need it, don’t use, or it doesn’t have a legitimate sentimental value, then toss it or donate it.
2. Everything has a place. When you’re done with it, put it up. When you bring it into the home, put it up. If you’re not using it, have it put up.
Maybe you’re a busy person and don’t think you have time to declutter and maintain a decluttered home. You can start with just a few minutes a day, with one room or even just a section of a room, working maybe 5 times here, 5 minutes there.
Once you have a particular area decluttered, keep it that way. Build from there. As you declutter (and keep the area decluttered), it will all add up and soon you’ll have a decluttered home that you’ll be pleased with.