Spring is just around the corner so it’s a great time for gardeners to begin planning for Spring planting. Getting your garden ready for Spring planting prepares your garden for the Spring plants. Starting early with planning saves time and makes the Spring growing season go much more smoothly.
The relatively short lifespan of the spring season means it’s crucial for homeowners to start preparing their gardens for planting. Now that winter is over, it’s time to start thinking about growing some new plants.
Start Composting
If you haven’t started composting, now’s the time to get started. Decide where to set up your compost bed. You’ll want to add leaves, grass trimmings, kitchen table scraps (such as potato peelings, used coffee grounds, tea leaves, etc.), shredded newspaper. Be sure not to add meat scraps to the compost mixture. You don’t want to attract rats or pests to your garden compost bed.
Every few days, use a good garden rake and rotate or stir the compost around really well. This is a good time to add worms to the compost bed. The compost will break down faster if you have worms in the mix.
Order Seeds
Decide on what plants you want to plant and get your seeds ordered. Some plants are easier to grow, maintain, and harvest. It’s a good idea to order seeds early to be sure you get the seeds you want in time for planting.
Ideally, it’s best to order and use heirloom seeds. Heirloom seeds are open pollinated and are the best variety to use if you want to save seeds of your own. Heirloom seeds grow plants that produce seeds that can be saved year after year.
Think of heirloom seeds as a heritage seed variety that will grow in your climate and soil. You can save money by saving your own seeds from year to year.
Make Sure Your Garden Tools are Ready
Spring planting means having those garden tools ready to use, and knowing where the garden tools are, when planting time comes. There’s nothing quite so maddening as trying to find a garden tool and not knowing where it is. Make sure your gardening tools are in good share and organized so that you know where everything you need is when you need it. You shouldn’t have to go on a hunt to find them!